Who Is Not Suitable for Dental Implant?
After an initial exam, a dentist may recommend the replacement of a tooth or multiple teeth. Sometimes, a tooth can't be saved and must be extracted. A simple extraction will suffice in some situations, but a surgical extraction is required in other cases. Are Implants Right for Everyone? After your initial consultation at the dentist office near you , they may advise that implants aren't right for you; perhaps a dental bridge or other dental work is the best approach to your treatment goals. In that case, the dental work would be recommended as the procedure that is the best fit. In other situations, an implant may be the right course of treatment, but you need other procedures to prepare for the surgery. Some patients looking for dental implants in Ellicott City must first undergo a sinus lift in addition to bone grafting. The length of time needed for recovery varies. Knowing if the Procedure is Right for You There are several important factors to weigh when you a...